VIS – Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo
VIS – Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (International Voluntary Service for Development) is a nongovernmental organization engaged in development cooperation, international solidarity and is an educational agency promoting and organizing awareness raising, education and training in the field of sustainable development and global citizenship.
The association was established in 1986, promoted by the CNOS – Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane (National Center for Salesian Works), and is inspired by the message of San Giovanni Bosco and his preventive education system. It operates in 22 countries around the world: in Africa, Middle East, Latin America and Europe.
“Insieme, per un mondo possibile” indicates the intention of networking in Italy, in Europe and in the rest of the world to improve the living conditions of girls, boys, young people in vulnerable situation and their communities, believing that the causes of extreme poverty can be tackled at their root through education and training.
VIS holds a Special Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and is accredited by ECHO- Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission.
VIS is also member of the international network of Salesian-inspired NGOs, Don Bosco Network (DBN), besides participating in many other national and international networks engaged in the field of international cooperation and sustainable development and the promotion and protection of human rights.
“A world where every person can fully enjoy their rights and participate with dignity and actively in the life of the community, promoting its development”.
This vision and fundamental values inspiring VIS action have brought the organization to adopt a methodological approach towards broadening the individual and social capabilities with the double perspective of contributing to building and strengthening rights-holders ‘capacities to claim for their human rights enjoyment as well as the capabilities of the corresponding duty bearers in the fulfilment of their duties.
“Foster the development and broadening of each person ‘s capacities of – as individual and member of a community – paying particular attention to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable girls, boys and young people, providing them with educational, training, and social-vocational insertion opportunities, as well as tools for the promotion and protection of their human rights”.
The actions in the countries of intervention mainly focus on education as a key factor of human development, a fundamental right per se, but also a means for all human rights, with the aim of broadening knowledge, possibilities, equal opportunities and overcome discrimination, including gender, and contribute to resilience.
Together for a possible world
With your donation you can support our projects in 40 countries around the world
VIS is a nongovernmental organization established in 1986. Engaged in development cooperation, international solidarity it is also an educational agency promoting and organizing awareness raising, education and training in the field of sustainable development and global citizenship.
Believing the causes of extreme poverty can be tackled at their root through education and training, VIS aim is to improve the quality of life of children and youth in vulnerable situations together with their communities.
Contact info
VIS Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo - ONLUS - Nongovernmental organization promoted by the Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane Headquarters: Via Appia Antica 126, Rome
(+39) 06516291