Development cooperation and international solidarity

Since 1986 we provide training and employment opportunities, promotion and protection of human rights.


Countries where we are active


International cooperation projects


Development operator and local staff


Recipients reached

Sectoral thematic and emergency priorities

VIS interventions split up into the following sectoral thematic priorities:

Training and job placement

Promote the socio-professional inclusion of the segments of population in vulnerability situations, in particular youth and women, as a means for sustainable development of people, communities, and environment.


Offer through a human rights-based approach answers to the crises obliging people to migrate and creating the opportunity for emancipation in the countries of origin and of integration in Italy and Europe.


Contribute to prevention and reduction of exposure to risks of various nature of people in vulnerability situations including their families and communities, guaranteeing the protection, promotion, and full and effective enjoyment of human rights.

Strengthening of civil society actors

Promote and support competences and capacity of local CSOs and institutions to act as actors of sustainable development.

Local economic development

Promote local economic development processes that are sustainable from a social, environmental, cultural, and economic-financial point of view, especially for women and young people.


Humanitarian aid together with the support and development of the resilience of the most fragile communities, affected by natural health disasters and/or consequences of conflicts.

Support our projects in the world

To continue to stand beside children and youth in poverty and disadvantaged situations